We bring together our ‘Collective’s intelligence’, scour global innovations, and apply data-driven and nature-based solutions to complex challenges in the following thematic areas

Our Theme

  • Uninsurable Towns

    Climate change is rapidly making many towns uninsurable. We’re exploring way in which we can address market failure in insurance and boost resilience of local communities.

  • Maintaining Independence

    Keeping people living in places of their choosing, and on own their own terms with dignity and purpose requires a joined up collaborative approach, harnessing technology and compassionate care.

  • Connecting Communities

    Creating connections within communities between people often disconnected by technology and social divides requires out of the box thinking.

  • Distributed Resilience

    In the face of increasing threats to the physical, economic and environmental health of places, a new model of distributed resilience allows for localisation of decision making and agency, while keeping the benefits of scale.